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School VR Subjects: History Resources

Develop your students' knowledge in History with our VR & AR resources.

Explore history like never before using the power of ClassVR. Visit the Pyramids of Giza, see the Colosseum or stand on the Great Wall of China.

One of the hardest things about teaching history has always been the inability to experience the places and artefacts you talk about first hand.

With ClassVR, that all changes. Now you can take your students to visit Ancient Rome, Greece, China or Maya, all controlled from the ClassVR portal.

Your students can experience ancient sites from all around the world. Step inside the tomb of Ramesses VI, decorated with intricate hieroglyphics. Look down on the Acropolis of Athens from above and see how the ruined buildings were laid out by the Ancient Greeks. Visit the Maya city state of Palenque, with its distinctive stepped temples. See the monuments of Ancient Britain, including Stonehenge and other key sites from the Stone Age through to the Iron Age.

Seeing historical locations through their own eyes gives students a genuine, first-hand memory of places that they would otherwise be very unlikely to see. For example, students learning about World War Two can stand at the gates of Birkenau concentration camp and could have a clearer idea of how the holocaust affected real people. Similarly, students can hold a Roman gladius in their hand using the ARCube, which gives them a clear idea of how the Romans used their weapons in battle.

Topics include:

  • Ancient Societies
  • 3D Historical Objects
  • The Smithsonian Institute
  • Conflicts and Wars
  • British History
  • Nuclear Disasters

... And much more!