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Virtual & Augmented
Reality in Further &
Higher Education:
Age 16 to 18+ years

Bringing complex subject matter to life

VR in Education for Ages 16 to 18+ years

Universities and colleges have always been at the cutting edge of new technologies, driving development and creating the next generation of scientists, developers and entrepreneurs. Virtual and augmented reality technologies are at the frontier of development right now and change is happening at a frenetic pace. Here are just some of the examples of how ClassVR can be used in the classroom:

Hands-on Learning

Using ClassVR, students can go on virtual field trips and visit anywhere, including impossible places, at any time, all directly from the comfort of the classroom.

VR use case:
Being able to understand how chemical elements will behave under different circumstances by simply looking at the periodic table and chemical compounds can be difficult to visualise. Using augmented reality in ClassVR, students can hold elements and compounds in their hands and understand structural changes in molecules.

CHEMISTRY - Elements & Compounds (Student Age 16-17)

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Enquiry based Learning

Exploration-based learning is an active learning approach used by teachers to encourage students to learn through curiosity and enquiry, helping students gain confidence and learning feel meaningful.

VR use case:
Using 3D models in augmented reality, alongside background knowledge of World War 1, students can hypothesise how spitfires allowed the Royal Air Force to win the Battle of Britain in 1940. Using ClassVR as part of the lesson, students were able to evaluate their existing knowledge, provoke discussion and reach well-reasoned conclusions through an immersive, first-hand learning approach.

HISTORY - Battle of Britain (Student Age 15-18)

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Creating VR Content

Being able to think creatively gives students the opportunity to develop problem-solving skills, teamwork and efficiency needed for the future and the everyday workplace.

VR use case:
Whether it’s through coding or using a 360-degree camera, students can start to think creatively and develop further skills by building or filming their own VR content that can be later viewed using ClassVR to demonstrate and present their creations to their peers. Providing this flexibility also allows teachers to create and add their own content to support any lesson.

Donegal School District (Student Age 5-18)

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1000s of Curriculum-Aligned VR & AR Resources for Higher & Further Education

ClassVR comes complete with thousands of VR & AR resources, lesson plans and ready-made worksheets that can be easily integrated into your existing lessons to enhance learning.

  • Covers a multitude of subject covered in the curriculum
  • Includes 360 images, videos, 3D models and explorable scenes

What content is available? Download the list of available content

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