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Curriculum-aligned content for all ages

ClassVR’s extensive, ever-expanding library offers thousands of VR resources. From 360-degree images and videos to 3D models and explorable scenes, ClassVR content brings key curriculum topics to life for students of all ages. Quickly, easily, engagingly. Search your content possibilities below.

Thousands of curriculum-aligned resources

For use across all subjects and age ranges

Rupert Rawnsley

Chief Science Officer
Avantis Education 

“The principal benefit we see with students is around engagement. They’re exploring and interacting with ClassVR content in a way that’s very stimulating and very impactful, educationally. And when the headsets come off, students are enthused, they’re excited, they’re on-message. The teacher can then segue into the planned pedagogy.”

Impossible field trips: from Iowa to asteroids

“Students have visited World War One trenches, seen the Liberty Bell, experienced an asteroid strike first-hand… The list goes on! There’s 100% immersion. Show a video in the class, and some students won’t pay attention. With ClassVR, kids are engaged at all times.”

Troy Thams
K-12 Technology Instructor
Sioux Central Community School District, Iowa

Explore the benefits and possibilities of ClassVR

Read how ClassVR is boosting student engagement and knowledge retention in more than 100,000 classrooms worldwide.

ESSER funding meets VR EdTech in K-8 schools 

From tackling learning loss to improving technology in schools, ESSER funding is bringing real change to K-8 education. Here’s where VR edtech fits in.

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ESSER and ClassVR: Five ways they align 

The aims of ESSER dovetail with pioneering edtech system, ClassVR. Here are five ways VR is helping teachers tackle issues such as learning loss.

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ESSER funding meets VR EdTech in high schools

From tackling learning loss to improving technology in schools, ESSER funding is bringing real change to high schools. Here’s where VR edtech fits in.

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